Investigating California High School Closures



Using 2014-2015 data gathered from the California Department of Education, we will be using R, Python, and SQL to gain insight into what kind of factors are associated with high school closures in the state of California.

The purpose of this brief analysis is to address the query above, generate ideas for more in depth analyses, and practice using R, Python, and SQL simultaneously.

Packages, Modules, and SQL Database Connection

Load R packages.

library(DBI)# Load the DBI package

use_python('C:/Users/laryl/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python311', required = TRUE)

Load Python Modules.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pprint as pp
from IPython.display import display
import pingouin as pg
from scipy.stats import t

Load SQLite connection and see the tables within the database.

schools <-  "C:/Users/laryl/Documents/data_work/data/cdeschools.sqlite"
con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = schools)
tables <-dbListTables(con)# Build a vector of the list of table names: tables
## [1] "frpm"      "satscores" "schools"

Data Preparation

Now we are going to query all of the data we need from the SQLite database taking care to add and clean the columns we need.

-- Join School table with Free-or-Reduced-Price Meal and SAT Score tables while cleaning the data
WITH combined_tables AS (
SELECT School, StatusType, County, City, District,
      Latitude, Longitude,OpenDate, ClosedDate, 
      CAST(ClosedDate AS DATE) - CAST(OpenDate AS DATE) AS YearsOpen,  
      COALESCE(FundingType, 'No Funding Info') AS FundingType,
      [Academic Year], [Enrollment (K-12)], [Percent (%) Eligible Free (Ages 5-17)],[High Grade],
      enroll12 , NumTstTakr, AvgScrRead, AvgScrWrite, AvgScrMath, PctGE1500
FROM schools AS sl
LEFT JOIN frpm AS fm
ON School = [School Name] AND District = [District Name] AND County = [County Name]
LEFT JOIN satscores AS ss
ON School = sname AND District =dname  AND  County = cname)

-- Take table from above and add combined SAT score column,  a difference from California Schools SAT Average column, and a region column
SELECT *,  (AvgScrRead + AvgScrWrite +AvgScrMath )  AS TotalScr,
(AvgScrRead + AvgScrWrite +AvgScrMath ) - (SELECT  AVG(AvgScrRead + AvgScrWrite +AvgScrMath )FROM satscores) AS ScrDiff,
  CASE WHEN County IN ('Butte', 'Colusa', 'El Dorado', 'Glenn', 'Lassen', 'Modoc', 'Nevada', 'Placer', 'Plumas', 'Sacramento', 'Shasta', 'Sierra', 'Siskiyou', 'Sutter', 'Tehama', 'Yolo', 'Yuba') THEN 'Superior California'
  WHEN County IN ('Del Norte', 'Humboldt', 'Lake', 'Mendocino', 'Napa', 'Sonoma', 'Trinity') THEN 'North Coast'
  WHEN County IN ('Alameda', 'Contra Costa', 'Marin', 'San Francisco', 'San Mateo', 'Santa Clara', 'Solano') THEN 'San Francisco Bay Area'
  WHEN County IN ('Alpine', 'Amador', 'Calaveras', 'Madera', 'Mariposa', 'Merced', 'Mono', 'San Joaquin', 'Stanislaus', 'Tuolumne') THEN 'Northern San Joaquin Valley'
  WHEN County IN ('Monterey', 'San Benito', 'San Luis Obispo', 'Santa Barbara', 'Santa Cruz', 'Ventura') THEN 'Central Coast'
  WHEN County IN ('Fresno', 'Inyo', 'Kern', 'Kings', 'Tulare') THEN 'Southern San Joaquin Valley'
  WHEN County IN ('Riverside', 'San Bernardino') THEN 'Inland Empire'
  WHEN County IN ('Los Angeles') THEN 'Los Angeles'
  WHEN County IN ('Orange') THEN 'Orange'
  WHEN County IN ('Imperial', 'San Diego') THEN 'San Diego - Imperial' END
  AS Region
  FROM combined_tables

We will use python to filter the data for high schools (where grade 12 is the highest).

ca_schools = r.ca_schools_data.replace(-2147483648, np.NaN)
ca_schools_filtered = ca_schools[ca_schools["High Grade"] == '12']
## <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
## Int64Index: 2569 entries, 1 to 17685
## Data columns (total 24 columns):
##  #   Column                                 Non-Null Count  Dtype  
## ---  ------                                 --------------  -----  
##  0   School                                 2569 non-null   object 
##  1   StatusType                             2569 non-null   object 
##  2   County                                 2569 non-null   object 
##  3   City                                   2569 non-null   object 
##  4   District                               2569 non-null   object 
##  5   Latitude                               2546 non-null   float64
##  6   Longitude                              2546 non-null   float64
##  7   OpenDate                               2569 non-null   object 
##  8   ClosedDate                             2569 non-null   object 
##  9   YearsOpen                              90 non-null     float64
##  10  FundingType                            2569 non-null   object 
##  11  Academic Year                          2569 non-null   object 
##  12  Enrollment (K-12)                      2569 non-null   float64
##  13  Percent (%) Eligible Free (Ages 5-17)  2533 non-null   float64
##  14  High Grade                             2569 non-null   object 
##  15  enroll12                               1649 non-null   float64
##  16  NumTstTakr                             1649 non-null   float64
##  17  AvgScrRead                             1189 non-null   float64
##  18  AvgScrWrite                            1189 non-null   float64
##  19  AvgScrMath                             1189 non-null   float64
##  20  PctGE1500                              1189 non-null   float64
##  21  TotalScr                               1189 non-null   float64
##  22  ScrDiff                                1189 non-null   float64
##  23  Region                                 2569 non-null   object 
## dtypes: float64(13), object(11)
## memory usage: 501.8+ KB

Exploratory Analysis

Summarizing the Data

During the 2014-2015 school year there were 2479 active high schools and 86 high schools that were closed.

We are focused on the StatusType column which has 2 main categories: Active and Closed. The other 2 categories were filtered out because there were too few schools or no high schools with those labels. Here is an overall summary of the average differences:

status_summary = ca_schools_filtered.groupby('StatusType')[['FundingType']].value_counts(normalize=True).unstack().reset_index()
status_summary_filtered = status_summary[status_summary["StatusType"] != "Merged"][['StatusType', 'Directly funded', 'Locally funded', 'No Funding Info']]
funding_counts = ca_schools_filtered['StatusType'].value_counts().to_frame()

ca_pivot_table= ca_schools_filtered.pivot_table(values= [ 'Enrollment (K-12)', 'enroll12', 'Percent (%) Eligible Free (Ages 5-17)', 
 'NumTstTakr', 'AvgScrRead', 'AvgScrWrite', 'AvgScrMath', 'TotalScr', 'ScrDiff', 'PctGE1500'], index= 'StatusType',  aggfunc= [np.mean] ).reset_index()

ca_summary = ca_pivot_table[ca_pivot_table["StatusType"] != "Merged"].merge(status_summary_filtered, on = "StatusType", how = "left")
## <string>:1: FutureWarning: merging between different levels is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. (2 levels on the left, 1 on the right)
ca_summary.drop(ca_summary.columns[[1]], axis=1, inplace=True)

From this table we can see clear differences in SAT score-related variables, enrollment-related variables, and funding-related variables.

Are These Significant Differences?

Our next step in this exploratory analysis would be to choose some of the variables and test how significant the differences are. The reason we are testing 1 variable from each of the 3 types of variables is because these variables are probably correlated. It doesn’t make sense to check all of them when they would produce relatively similar results. Finding the most significant variables is beyond the scope of this brief analysis. To keep things simple, our alpha value will be 0.05.

To check if there is a relationship between high school status and funding type, we are going to use a chi-square test of independence.

expected, observed, stats = pg.chi2_independence(ca_schools_filtered[ca_schools_filtered["StatusType"] != "Merged"],
  x= 'StatusType',  
  y= 'FundingType',
## C:\Users\laryl\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\PYTHON~1\Lib\site-packages\pingouin\ UserWarning: Low count on observed frequencies.
##   warnings.warn("Low count on {} frequencies.".format(name))
## C:\Users\laryl\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\PYTHON~1\Lib\site-packages\pingouin\ UserWarning: Low count on expected frequencies.
##   warnings.warn("Low count on {} frequencies.".format(name))
## C:\Users\laryl\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\PYTHON~1\Lib\site-packages\scipy\stats\ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in power
##   terms = f_obs * ((f_obs / f_exp)**lambda_ - 1)
## C:\Users\laryl\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\PYTHON~1\Lib\site-packages\scipy\stats\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in multiply
##   terms = f_obs * ((f_obs / f_exp)**lambda_ - 1)
## C:\Users\laryl\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\PYTHON~1\Lib\site-packages\scipy\stats\ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
##   terms = 2.0 * special.xlogy(f_exp, f_exp / f_obs)
##                  test    lambda       chi2  dof      pval    cramer     power
## 0             pearson  1.000000  17.433032  3.0  0.000576  0.082441  0.953058
## 1        cressie-read  0.666667  16.266950  3.0  0.001000  0.079636  0.938077
## 2      log-likelihood  0.000000  14.388828  3.0  0.002421  0.074898  0.904738
## 3       freeman-tukey -0.500000        NaN  3.0       NaN       NaN       NaN
## 4  mod-log-likelihood -1.000000        inf  3.0  0.000000       inf       NaN
## 5              neyman -2.000000        NaN  3.0       NaN       NaN       NaN

Taking a look at the pval column from this table, there appears to be a significant association between status and funding.

Next, we are interested in performing a t-test to examine whether there is a statistically significant association between status and SAT score total.

x_bar_active=  ca_schools_filtered[ca_schools_filtered['StatusType'] == "Active"]["TotalScr"].mean()
x_bar_closed=  ca_schools_filtered[ca_schools_filtered['StatusType'] == "Closed"]["TotalScr"].mean()

n_active=  len(ca_schools_filtered[ca_schools_filtered['StatusType'] == "Active"])
n_closed=  len(ca_schools_filtered[ca_schools_filtered['StatusType'] == "Closed"])

s_active=  ca_schools_filtered[ca_schools_filtered['StatusType'] == "Active"]["TotalScr"].std()
s_closed=  ca_schools_filtered[ca_schools_filtered['StatusType'] == "Closed"]["TotalScr"].std()

numerator =   x_bar_active - x_bar_closed
denominator = np.sqrt(s_active **2 / n_active + s_closed **2 / n_closed)
t_stat = numerator/denominator
deg_freedom = n_active  + n_closed - 2
print('p-value =', 1 - t.cdf(t_stat, df= deg_freedom))
## p-value = 0.014652696251728048

Once again since the p-value falls below our significance threshold, there is evidence to support an association between status and SAT scores.

Lastly, we are going to perform another t-test, this time, focusing on the relationship between status and enrollment of 12th graders.

x_bar_active_takers =  ca_schools_filtered[ca_schools_filtered['StatusType'] == "Active"]["enroll12"].mean()
x_bar_closed_takers  =  ca_schools_filtered[ca_schools_filtered['StatusType'] == "Closed"]["enroll12"].mean()

s_active_takers=  ca_schools_filtered[ca_schools_filtered['StatusType'] == "Active"]["enroll12"].std()
s_closed_takers=  ca_schools_filtered[ca_schools_filtered['StatusType'] == "Closed"]["enroll12"].std()

numerator =   x_bar_active_takers - x_bar_closed_takers
denominator = np.sqrt(s_active_takers **2 / n_active + s_closed_takers **2 / n_closed)
t_stat_takers = numerator/denominator
deg_freedom = n_active  + n_closed - 2
print('p-value =' , 1 - t.cdf(t_stat_takers, df= deg_freedom))
## p-value = 0.0

Once again we got another p-value below 0.05.

Recap and Way Forward

Funding, SAT scores, and enrollment are all associated with high school status. The average closed school is more likely to be directly funded, have an average SAT Score that is 53 points less than the overall California average, and have less students than active schools. Closed schools stayed open on average for about 13 years.

The time sensitivity for this project did prevent deeper dives into the data. For example, education type (like SOCType and Educational Option Type) could have been another factors that affect school status. The education types were not explored because they had numerous categories and would have taken much more time to sort through. Additionally, school locations could be associated with school closures as well. Here is a map of all of the school

closures in red


active_ca_schools <- py$ca_schools_filtered%>%
  filter(StatusType == "Active")

closed_ca_schools <- py$ca_schools_filtered%>%
  filter(StatusType == "Closed")

map <- leaflet() %>%
  addProviderTiles("CartoDB") %>%
  addCircleMarkers(data = active_ca_schools,
                   radius = 1, 
                   color = "#8C92AC", 
                   label = ~htmlEscape(active_ca_schools[["School"]])) %>%
    addCircleMarkers(data = closed_ca_schools,
                   radius = 1, 
                   color = "#ff5349", 
                   label = ~htmlEscape(closed_ca_schools[["School"]]))%>%
  setView(lat = 37.56258, lng = -121.9656, zoom = 5.5) 


Here is a table summarizing the active and closed schools by regions (created using the counties from the original data).

#ca_schools_filtered[ca_schools_filtered['StatusType'] == "Closed"]['Region'].value_counts()
#ca_schools_filtered[ca_schools_filtered['StatusType'] == "Active"]['Region'].value_counts()

## StatusType                   Active  Closed
## Region                                     
## Orange                          107       2
## North Coast                     149       4
## Central Coast                   154       2
## San Diego - Imperial            192      10
## Northern San Joaquin Valley     222       4
## Southern San Joaquin Valley     235       6
## Inland Empire                   239       4
## San Francisco Bay Area          327      18
## Superior California             339      19
## Los Angeles                     515      17

Although regions with more schools tend to have more closures, particular regions could be more susceptible to school closures than others. Moreover, there is a possibility that regions as variable is too broad to show more granular county, city, or district patterns. It would be interesting to combine this data with wealth data gathered from external sources.

Finally, using the findings from above, an interesting future project could attempt to better identify which specific variables among the 3 categories are the most statistically significant. These variables could then be used to create a multiple logistic regression model that could help predict school closures for future years.


  • If you want more information check out my GitHub.
  • You can find the SQL data here.
  • The regions were created using this source.